Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Conclusion -Tim Love

This class has been very exciting to say the least.  I have learned so much in this class and a lot from other people.  We probably had the most in depth discussions that I've ever been apart of. At least once a week we would get sidetracked by our class discussions and they would take up the whole period.  I found this to be my favorite part of the class.  I liked how we all could relate things to other things.  I also liked that we got to give Dr.Spencer more knowledge on how some things are today.  I felt like we got to teach her as she taught us.

One of the most interesting topics we talked about in class was homosexuality in sport.  I found this topic very interesting, especially when we talked about the two homosexual football players.  In all, I still believe that you won't see many pro athletes coming out and tell people that they're homosexual while their still playing the sport.  It would cause so much controversy and other things that at the end of the day may affect their play.  So I think that the ones that do come out, will do so after their careers are over.

In conclusion, this was one of my favorite classes of the semester, and since I've been here.  The discussions that we had drove the class and made everyone feel engaged.  I have gained a better understanding of gender in sport through this class, and hope others have as well.

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