Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Conclusion- Jenn Zoellick

As a whole, I really enjoyed this class. This class had some of the best group discussions that i've ever had in a class. I think it really helps make the class more interesting. I also think the discussions helped me get more out of the class. I learned a lot more than I would have just staring at a powerpoint for an hour. I think the group work was good because it brought several thoughts and opinions to the assignment and helped give it more depth. I liked my group and we all got along and we all did great with the group blog entries. I liked all of the in class discussions but some of my favorites were the Serena Williams crip walk, and boys in girls sports and girls in boy sports. I learned a lot about inequality in coverage for Women's sports and the struggles that transgender and intersex athletes face, both topics that I knew very little about prior to this class. Overall I learned a lot from this class and I really enjoyed the topics and discussions.

I liked doing the blog because it allowed class discussions to continue outside of the classroom. It was nice to read everyone else's opinion and offer my own for discussion as well. I liked that we received points for commenting, because it encouraged more people to comment and allowed for more discussion throughout the blog. I think the blog is a great idea and a simple way to earn points.

Jenn Zoellick

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