Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Conclusion-Gene Csakany

Honestly, I had some of the most fun I’ve had in a class at college so far, in this very class. I love debating topics, mostly because I’m very opinionated, so the fact that the forum on every subject is always wide open, it makes for a great discussion.  I would not say I “learned” anything new in the sense of facts and figures, but more so, I was opened up too much deeper discussion of tons of new topics.  I loved how everyone was able to voice their different opinions and just keep discussions going.  Most of the time this type of debate has people more a less attacking each other’s opinion, but in this case everyone just stood their ground on their point of view and let it be known, but then moved on.  Many of the reading were very interesting to me so it is hard to pinpoint just one.  I feel as though most, if not all, of the readings sparked great debate and that was really what I enjoyed the most as I said. 

 Keeping a blog was very interesting.  I feel as though we should have had free reign on any topics we wanted to blog about in relation to anything we covered it the class, but we needed to follow what we talked about or what we related to things from the last set of classes.  Also, the freedom of the final presentations was also fun.  I feel as though it may have helped to have a type of template, but all in all, the last presentation was very interesting to research and present to the class as a new topic.  I think the power of debate and opening your mind is what I will take from this class for my professional career.  I think that is what will be most useful to my life, opening my mind and being able to listen to what others have to say and not just forcing your opinion on them. 

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