Thursday, December 6, 2012

Conclussion- Kody Burlingame

Sport and gender was a class that I found interesting and informational. I learned a lot about the many situations that involve sport and gender. I enjoyed the class because it was different then any other class that I have had before in BG. I like how there was a lot of discussion instead of Dr. Spencer talking for the whole period. That made it so the students would participate and give their own opinion about the different topics for the day.

What really sparked my interest in the class was talking about the "cool pose". I enjoyed this topic because it involved my favorite basketball player of all time, Allen Iverson. I found it interesting that he was a major influence on the cool pose because of his style of play, his tattoos, cornrows, baggy pants, flat bill hats, and jewelry. To know that his style compared to everyone else's is unique and different is one of the reasons why I enjoyed watching him play.

I also enjoyed learning more about Michael Jordan and the impacts he has had on the sports world. It was interesting how we not only discussed what impacts he has had, but also how he is seen be others and that he always has to have a certain classiness to him. In my opinion Jordan is by far the best NBA player to ever play and I don't see anyone overcoming him. Having discussions about Michael Jordan is always fun to me and I like hearing what other people have to say about him.

This class is the first class that I have had to do blogs for. It made me really think about the topics and voice my opinion about them, which I have never really done before. I like how the blogs were opinionated and that I could write whatever was on my mind about the topics. I liked how I could comment on two blogs for points. I am not a fan on the journals and sometimes I do not know what to write about with blogs, so it was easier for me to comment on other peoples blogs. The class was energetic and talkative which made it fun. I enjoyed listening to how people felt about certain topics. I am more of a listener so I never really spoke out, but I am a listener so I enjoyed listening to other people talk. Overall, I think this class was interesting and fun, and I only hope that my other classes match up to this one.

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