Thursday, December 6, 2012

Conclusion Nate Riley

Over the course of this semester, we have had the opportunity to talk about some very controversial topics that usually gets brushed under the rug. We have gotten to not only give our opinion on some topics, but also able to learn others views and open up to them with a new mindset. Coming from a small town in Michigan, I was never very open minded about certain situations, but now i have learned it was only because I wasn't knowledgable in those areas. I had never been exposed to these kinds of topics before so i had been very closed minded to a lot of them, and I truly believe this class helped change that.

The part of this class that I thought was most useful was the conversation within the class. Yes it was nice learning about Title IX and thins like that, but what I truly appreciated was the conversation. With everyone coming from all over the country and having different backgrounds, it was nice being able to see others opinions and hearing their thoughts on the topics. It not only helped me learn, but it also helped me see different sides to each argument.

During the course of the class, we talked about some very interesting things, but my hands down favorite was talking about sexuality in sports. This was a topic I had never been open to before and something that really opened my eyes. It made seeing advertisements on TV make so much more sense, but it also made me pay more attention to these kind of things. It was a pretty cool lesson that I feel like I was able to take a lot from.

Honestly, what I will take away from this class, is the understanding that there are no situations in this world that are cut and dry. Every situation or circumstances has a different background story and something that can be taken from  it. I truly believe this class has helped me grow up and be more open to the world. I hope I can take this newly found understanding, and be able to have it help me in my career in collegiate athletics in the future.

Thanks Dr. Spencer,
Nathan Riley

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