Saturday, December 8, 2012

Conclusion - Wes Gates

Overall, this was one of the most interesting sport management classes I have taken in my time here at BGSU.  I really liked how the class was structured around discussions rather than a lecture.  This made class very interesting to go to and was something completely different than the norm.  Adding the element of group work also made this class better.  This allowed for intimate group discussions and an easier way to share ideas.

Some of my favorite topics this semester were revolving around the disabilities in sport and transgender athletes.  I believe this was the topic for a few weeks and I found this entire topic extremely interesting. Talking about Caster Semenya to the Blade Runner, many interesting points were brought up and I learned things I never before knew.  Other topics I had prior knowledge about, but these were a new one to me.  My next favorite was the group presentations because this allowed for us to talk about things we were interested in.  The class was presented in a way that the students enjoyed it and it felt like a very laid back presentation.  All of the topics were very informative and brought up new ideas that were thought provoking.  With that said, there were no topics that I didn't find interesting.  I loved that they ranged from modern day sports to the pioneers and legends of sport.

In short, this class was excellent.  I really enjoyed the thought provoking articles and discussions that ensued.  It was a class that broadened my horizons for future knowledge and made me more aware of modern day issues within the field of sport.

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