Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Conclusion - Turea Moore

This class was honestly my favorite one this whole semester, I actually enjoyed coming to class and I felt like I learned something new every class that we had.  This was a class that I had to take for a Sport Management requirement at first, but honestly, I would take this class over again if I just needed some extra courses to add.  One of my favorite discussions during class was about LeBron James, but that is no surprise, I love when he is being talked about! Outside of that, my favorite topic/subject that was discussed was the Holly Mangold story as well.  That had to be one of the most motivating stories I have ever heard because in today's society, people who are her weight, they aren't happy about it or with themselves, and more than likely they aren't active in sports either.  I just loved how Holly was so optimistic about everything and how she loved herself for who she was, she embraces her weight, and its not an issue to her, there has to be more people in today's society who thinks like that.

Lastly, something that I had actually learned that I knew nothing about before this class was the Athletic Arms Race between schools.  I never knew there was an actually name for wanting to compete with other schools to see who has the best arenas, fields, recruiting and more.  It was also interesting to find out that BG was doing a good job with that within our conference as well.

I'm glad that I had the opportunity to take this class.

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