Monday, September 24, 2012

Department Budget

In Tuesday’s class we had to construct a budget for an Athletic Department.  We were advised to try and not cut any sports, though we could make them a club sport.  We started out with $120,000, which we had to divide up amongst the sports.  Then we received a 20,000 donation from an alumnus.  The last way we could have received money was by fundraising but only with four sports.  This would give us $50 for each athlete they had in their program.  We were also given minimal amounts for each program stating the least amount we could give to each sport.

The first thing we did was find out which sports had the highest amount of participants to fundraise for the whole athletic department.  The four sports programs we picked were the football, swimming, women’s track and field, and men’s track and field.  The fundraising from these four teams gave the athletic department an extra $12,750 dollars.  Bringing the total we have to spend to $152,750.  Then we figured out all the minimal amounts we had to spend, this total was $151,350. We thought about making some sports club but felt we wanted to keep all the teams around if it was in our budget, which it turned out to be.  We fulfilled all the required amounts for each sport and had $1,400 dollars left over.  We decided to give this money to the softball and skiing teams because they both finished first in the conference last year.

The project was a good learning experience for my group and taught us more about what an athletic director has to work with.

Josiah Blevins, Kevin Meyers, Marlin Pickens, Ollie Goss, Mason V.M.


  1. My group did very similar actions as did this group. We decided that the four largest teams do fundraising. That way this would give us the most amount of extra money to deal with. After paying all the necessary expenses we divided it up a little different. Instead of giving it to the top ranked teams, we distributed it to the most amount of teams. We were able to get new jerseys for three of our teams and new discus for the women's track and field. Looking back, I wish we would have made a couple of the sports pay-to-play, so then we could have rewarded those teams that finished with higher rankings. Overall, I agree that this was a great learning experience and that being an athletic director must be very difficult.
    -Michael Discipio

  2. I'm glad that both of your groups appreciated how difficult it must be to be an Athletic Director. I also wanted to mention to Josiah's group that you could implement "pay-to-play" as Michael said in his comment. It seems like more teams are going that route, and it would be better than cutting sports.

    Good job to both of your groups!

    Dr. Spencer

  3. I think that is an awesome allocation of money. It's hard to deal with being an athletic director and attempt to handle these situations. What I like is that you rewarded the teams that won their conference event, even though they weren't the most popular ones. In my eyes this is neat and is how schools should handle programs that win titles, because at the end of the day that's what all the schools are playing for.

    Wes Gates
