Tuesday, September 18, 2012

13 Appliances with Title IX- Gene Csakany

In last Thursday's class we discussed many areas of Title IX.  I thought this was very interesting in regards to BGSU Athletics.  We went around the room and athletes of various sports were asked about the thirteen different areas addressed in Title IX and if they all apply properly to our University.  I found it very interesting that there were significant differences in number7.  Provision of locker rooms, 9.  Housing and dining facilities, 10.  Publicity.  There were many differences in what the football team gets, as opposed to the soccer, volleyball, or swim team.  It goes to show that the most important thing at our university is which sport brings in the most money.  This is something that is shocking, yet understood and realistic.  Title IX is a very important amendment in the United States, and it is surprising that money is still what fuels the decision of whether these thirteen appliances will be met.   I do not think it would be to bold of a statement to assume that many other universities at the Division 1 level have the same inequality in those three above numbers that I have already mentioned.  It is all about which sport the university cares about the most and which sport excels or gets the most media attention.  For BGSU our biggest sports are men’s football and hockey and women’s basketball.  In those three sports it is safe to assume that all the thirteen appliances are met regardless of the fact that two are men’s sports and one is a women’s sport.  But how about a university where the popularity of a sport completely overshadows the other sports at that university?  This is something the NCAA should be responsible for and not just let these things go unnoticed, simply because of the money brought in by different sports.   Regardless of male or female basis, these are Division 1 athletes and need to be treated accordingly.       


  1. I'm not sure the NCAA really has an interest in ensuring that individual universities are in compliance (not appliance:-) with Title IX. That is left up to individual universities and the OCR. On our campus, there is a compliance officer who sees to it that BGSU is in compliance with Title IX. It is not really an NCAA issue.

    Dr. Spencer

  2. It seems unfair that only a few sports get recognition at a university but it isn't surprising when they are the teams that bring in the money. I agree that every university is probably in the same situation, because universities are trying to make as much money as possible. So why wouldn't they advertise the sports that bring that in and leave the sports that don't empty handed when it comes to recognition. But I agree with Dr. Spence this really has nothing to do with the NCAA and they have no control over what sport gets recognition. Universities should make a better effort to recognize all sports if this is something that they feel is really unfair.

    -Jacob Beverly
